Thursday, November 14, 2013

So you Want to Know the Difference Between DC and Marvel

Well I'll tell you. DC is an overpowered bunch of barely flawed heroes who, even for suspended reality, are unbelievable. Marvel is a bunch of heroes who have to work hard on their every day lives as well as save the world.

So here is an essay that was written about a year ago that is slightly more bipartisan then what I've just said:
             Every little boy and some little girls want to become a superhero, having beyond human abilities. Children (and some adults) are able to live vicariously through comics. D.C. and Marvel are the most popular companies that produce comics, they both have an extensive hero index. Many people claim that they prefer Marvel over D.C., but due to recent revamps that could change.
            Marvel has often been the favorite of the older crowd due to its humanistic take on heroes. It would be impossible to find a Marvel hero without a fatal flaw. D.C. on the other hand has, for quite some time, treated its heroes as gods, and they even have titles reflecting that very point.
            It is believed that Marvel is more popular with the older kids because of its verity of teen heroes. With Marvel it does not feel like you teen hero teams are being cast out of a mold, they’re all unlike with there own strengths and weaknesses. When you read D.C. you feel as though you’re hearing the same story over again they even lack the individuality to create new team names, there are the Teen Titans, Teen Titans East, the New Teen Titans, then the Teen Titans again at a later generation. You can almost always depend that a Teen Titan teem will have a former robin leading it, a super boy, and a speedster. Marvel has the Runaways, the Young Avengers, and the X-men, all the heroes of these teams are different and new.
            When it comes to choosing a universe with the most likable single characters it is the new 52 by D.C. Of all the hundreds of heroes D.C. has done a phenomenal job in bringing back the Red Robin in a wonderful way, he is now an ex-protje of Batman, the new Batman comics make you fall in love with the new Robin who is Batman’s son, and the Blue Beetle has an especially interesting comic series with a wonderful plot. D.C. has a few good stand alone heroes such as Wolverine but most of the heroes are on a team and only operate in a team setting this is not what you want to read all the time.
            So Marvel and D.C. have there strong points, and with the recent revisions in D.C. it is quite possible that D.C. will be just as much respected as Marvel, and perhaps one day they will be more so.

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