Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Here's a start

How can I be a geek?

 You would not believe how many times I've been asked this. Normally I've been asked this by other girls. Maybe what they really mean is what is a geek. Well if that's the case then I'll tell you. A geek is someone who is intensely interested in anime, comics, manga, video games, star wars, star trek, or select cartoons. I'll also tell you what a geek is not. A geek is not a Nerd. Nerds like things like math and computer programming. Finally were these two worlds collide is a dweeb.

You may be asking, aren't those titles hurtful? Well the answer is they're what you make of them. I'm very proud to be called a geek. I wear it like a badge of honor, it means others realize that I have interests that I want to share. Now when people say it as a negative thing, it is a negative thing, but if you say it as a positive thing, then it's usually not hurtful.

Another thing that this simple "How can I be a geek," question might hold is, how can I be interested in geek stuff so that this guy I like notices. That question is a little harder to answer. But I can start with, see if you really like any of these things, you can like anime without liking Dragon Ball Z. And it might impress guys when they see that you have a similar interest even though they're not exactly the same. I can also tell you that you can't pretend to be a geek. You can't just become one because you like a boy. But I can tell you that you may already be one without knowing it. If you want to become more of a geek or see if you like the things that geeks like you can explore this blog's other pages.

But  if the question really is "How can  I become a geek" then here it is. Pick up a comic and don't just read one read tens of dozens. If you really want to be a geek then don't just watch an episode of an anime a week, watch a series in a week. If you really wanna be a geek then watch Star Wars movies like you could never see them enough. If you really wanna be a geek then wanna learn entire languages so you don't have to wait so long for new translated chapters of manga. That is how you become a geek.

 Finally to be a geek want to share your intense interests and infatuations with many, many others. Share it through the clothes you wear, the things you write, the songs you sing, the things you buy, the things you make, and the people you're with. Because without friends, being a geek is no fun.

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